My thoughts…
Choose a category of blog posts to read:

How long should your website copy be? (Make your words count!)
The optimal length for the copy on your business website doesn’t just hinge on SEO and design. Let’s talk about the key factors you need to focus on for effective website copy that connects and converts.

Seductive Cellulite: Copy that Connects
How can you build trust and create connection in your copy? A story about the allure of relatability and human nature.

sharing is daring
Writing copy with a touch of anecdote and confession is not only healing for your soul but also effective for your copy.

read aloud to test flow and keep your reader engaged
Before you hit publish on your post, email, or article, take the time to read it. Then, perform it. Put your words in the air to see how they land.

use white space to improve readability
White space is just as important in copy as it is in graphic design or photography. When your writing breathes, your reader is able to move through it with ease. Learn how much white space to add and how in this latest quick tip.

proofread for passive voice & build connection with your audience
Passive voice creates a cold, formal tone that distances your reader and deflates your message.
What’s more, it increases your word count with unnecessary fluff.
Not so great for effective marketing. Much better to switch to active voice. But how?

the key to a captivating caption (that attracts and retains attention without the melodrama)
Think about it: no one takes action - to sign up for something, to buy something, even to read something - unless it benefits them in some way.
This isn't selfish - it's human nature.
The starting place for any copywriter and content creator is then simple.

no caveats - female language behaviours to stop now
I realized that I was the master of softness and subtlety. And I wondered why this sickened me. Women need to drop this self-sabotaging communication style, especially in business.

perfectionist procrastinations
Does every new follower fill you with fear? Spend some time journaling on what success looks like for you and what your fears are about getting there? It’s quite an enlightening exercise.

top three tips to add texture to your writing (and get your audience springing to action)
How do you create that 3D, jump-off-the-page, spring-to-action kind of writing?🤸 One major aspect is texture. Texture injects personality and emotion. Read my top three tips for bringing texture to your text.

scheherazade’s sister
You may have heard the story of the prolific and potent storyteller, Scheherazade, who saved a kingdom of women from a deathly fate at the hands of a betrayed and revengeful sultan. But what of her sister? And what has that got to do with brand storytelling?

when characters count
Oh, the beloved bio section of your Instagram page. This tiny piece of brand copy real estate is such a headache. You’ve done it, undone it, and redone it until you’re cross-eyed and wondering if it’s even clear to you what you’re doing here.

your voice is your power
Words hold a powerful energy that can bring us to action or hold us hostage. What do you choose to do with yours?

3 reasons to develop a brand voice
Working on an authentic voice for your brand does require effort and introspection on your part, but there are three game-changing reasons to do just that.

Growing a personal brand
Personal brands are about growth. If you want to create a brand that resonates with your ideal client and draws them to you just as much as you are drawn to working with them, you need to go deeper than the superficial.

beauty and the beast
If you are even slightly familiar with fairy tales, you will have heard the story of Beauty and the Beast. But, which version do you know? And what is the moral?

ten years an expat
As an expat, you have the wings of new beginnings but not the roots of home, no stable or solid foundation to call your own. You feel grateful, bold, and inspired one day and then anxious, alone, and alienated another.

business journaling
Are there moments when you wish you had noted down that idea that somehow evaporated with the shower steam? Are your best ideas like butterflies that drift away when you try to view them more closely? While taking the time to sit and write down the random thoughts that you have daily may seem like a waste of valuable time, journaling actually increases productivity by giving your feelings an outlet and your thoughts an organization.

is your ‘about me’ really about you?
Despite my experience as a writer, I really struggled with writing my own 'about me' page. My issue with the accepted maxim, "your about page is never really about you" is that real human beings, as opposed to ideal client avatars, make the decision to work with someone based on factors other than their ability to solve a problem.

the significance of elleoquence - how and why i chose my business name
Cue the trumpets! It’s time for an announcement.
Learn about how I chose my business name and what it means for me and you!